Tapi Breeze Diffuser


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Interest Free Credit Calculator

Minimum credit of £500 required.

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Interest Free Credit with Tapi

Tapi Carpets & Floors can offer interest free options from Novuna Personal Finance on selected purchases £500 or over. You can choose to spread your payments across 6, 10, 20 or 30 month interest free instalments. This does not include the cost of fitting as this work is completed by third parties.


  • 100ml premium reed difuser
  • Bring the Tapi scent to your home
  • Perfect as a gift or a treat to yourself

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Product Description

If you've been to any of our Tapi stores, you will know that they look and smell amazing! That's why we've decided to create our very own Tapi Breeze Diffuser, bringing the great scent of our stores to your home! Perfect as a gift or as a small treat to yourself after you've purchased a brand-new floor. 
