Shades of Grey: flooring and interior design ideas

the look

Grey on grey on grey. If there’s one colour which is never going out of style, it’s got to be grey. There’s a misconception that these sooty tones are gloomy – we’re here to change that! Layering tones of grey is a fantastic way to create a chic, monochrome home. The key is to pair these hues with natural light and areas of white, as well as little splashes of colour and personal touches like photo frames.

colour palette

Pantone 427

Pantone 421

Pantone 4289

Pantone 424

Pantone 4287

Pantone Black 6

Pantone 427

Pantone 421

Pantone 4289

Pantone 424

Pantone 4287

Pantone Black 6

create the look

Tamar - Reeve
Dark Side
Atom - Reva
Storm Cloud

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Country Cottage
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Shades of Grey: flooring and interior design ideas
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