If you’ve had the experience of coming home one day to find your favourite houseplant has given up the ghost and simply refuses to be revived, you’ll be thrilled to know there are some houseplants out there even the least attentive plant parent can keep alive! And some of these, due to their soothing properties, can help you to have a better night's sleep!
To help you improve your indoor gardening skills, we’ll take you through the top 10 easy-to-maintain houseplants you can have in your home, as well as some easy minimal steps you can take to maintain your current houseplants’ health and happiness – and make your home more vibrant and brimming with life.
There are some kinds of plants that evolved to survive some of the toughest conditions on the planet, like barren plains and scorching deserts, snowy mountains or tropical rainforests. These plants have special features to help them to retain their key life sources – water and light. Whether it’s especially large leaves to catch all the light possible in a dense canopy, or trailing vines that can pick up water from the forest floor, there are plenty of houseplants that look interesting and won’t struggle too much if you forget to water them from time to time.
Sourcing houseplants that won’t die after being left for a week might seem like a tricky task, but there are plenty of resources you can use to find a plant you can keep alive. Here’s our list of the top 10 houseplants we recommend for aspiring green-fingered and part-time plant parents:
In no certain order, here are some of the best houseplants you could get that are easy to look after and won’t wither away if you take your eyes off them for more than a minute! These hardy plants each have their own pros and cons, but something they all share is their ability to survive pretty much any indoor conditions.
Before you jump straight into picking up the first potted plant you see in the supermarket, you need to check for the signs of disease and insects: yellow leaves, brown leaf margins, wilted leaves, spots or blotches, and spindly growth. You can only maintain healthy plants if they are healthy to begin with – it’s much harder to look after a sick plant than a happy one.
Here are some basic tips to bear in mind if you want to be responsible for a little green life:
Having houseplants in your home can improve your mood, enhance your living space, and give you a break from your daily routine. Our top 10 are just a suggestion, but if you know you tend to neglect plants often, these will be your best bet!
If you find yourself neglecting other household chores, like cleaning your floors, you can read through our care guides to find the best ways to keep your flooring just as happy as your potted babies. We’ve also got plenty of lifestyle inspiration and helpful guides in our Ideas Hub you can check out, including how to create a reading nook, tips for styling your coffee table, and so much more.
Published: 18-01-2023