How to treat carpet burn

How to treat carpet burn

We’re talking about those scrapes you can get from sliding on a carpeted surface with your bare skin and damaging yourself. They’re painful but these injuries are more common than we might think.

But not to worry, with the right knowledge and a few household remedies, you can prevent carpet burns and treat them effectively at home, without breaking the bank. We’ll show you how to keep carpet burns from ruining your day.

And, if you’re interested in getting burns out of your carpet, which is a whole different thing, then this article can help.

What is a carpet burn?

A carpet burn, otherwise known as a friction burn, happens when you rub bare skin against a rougher surface like carpet or a rug. It can cause the skin to redden and become sore, and in some cases break, which can increase the risk of infection.

How to prevent carpet burn

Like most minor injuries, prevention is better than cure. And as many of carpet burns happen when people are in bare feet, then it’s best to start from the ground up.

Mind your footwear

If you wear shoes indoors, make sure they have good traction to prevent slips and falls that could lead to carpet burns. Socks are comfy, but they can be slippery on carpets, so consider wearing socks with a grip, or slippers with non-slip soles.

Watch your step

Be careful when navigating unfamiliar or cluttered spaces. Take your time, especially when walking in dimly lit areas or areas with loose carpeting. And if you’re spending time moving on the carpet, consider wearing protective gear like knee pads or elbow pads to prevent potential abrasions.

Maintain your carpet

Regularly inspect your carpets for loose fibres, uneven surfaces, or exposed nails. Address any issues promptly to minimise the risk of accident and make sure you keep it in tip-top Tapi condition with our carpet care guide.  If you need advice on how to keep your carpet as good as new after some bad stains, we have a stain removal guide in our Ideas Hub, plus plenty of other useful advice.

How to treat a carpet burn

Should a carpet burn occur despite your best efforts, it's essential to treat it promptly to prevent infection and promote healing. Here are some effective home remedies using items you have around the home:

  • Rinse with cool water

As soon as the burn happens, run cool (not cold) water over the affected area for several minutes. This helps to cool the skin and alleviate pain. Avoid using ice directly on the burn as it can further damage the skin.

  • Clean with mild soap

Gently cleanse the burned area with a mild soap and water to remove any dirt or debris. Pat the area with a clean towel. It’s important to keep the wound dry.

  • Apply aloe vera

Apply a generous amount of aloe vera gel to the burn. Aloe vera has soothing properties that can help reduce inflammation and promote healing. If you have an aloe vera plant at home, simply break off a leaf and squeeze out the gel. Otherwise, shop-bought aloe vera gel works just as well.

  • Spread a little honey

 Spread a thin layer of honey over the burn and cover it with a clean bandage. Honey has natural antibacterial properties and can help create a protective barrier over the wound, preventing infection.

  • Use a cold tea bag as a compress

Soak a tea bag in cold water, then place it over the burn. Tea contains tannic acid, which can help soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. Leave the tea bag in place for 10-15 minutes before gently patting the area dry.

  • Smear some petroleum jelly/Vaseline

After cleansing the burn, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to keep the area moisturised and protected. This can help prevent the formation of scabs and promote faster healing.

What to put on a carpet burn

While store cupboard ingredients can work wonders, sometimes it's helpful to have specialised products on hand for treating carpet burns. Here are some affordable options available in most chemists or supermarkets:

Antiseptic cream

 Look for an antiseptic cream containing ingredients like chlorhexidine. These creams help prevent infection and promote healing.

Non-adhesive dressings

Choose non-adhesive dressings or gauze pads to cover the burn. Avoid using adhesive bandages directly on the wound, as they can stick to the skin and cause further irritation.

Burn gel dressings

Burn gel dressings provide cooling relief and help protect the burn from friction and contamination. They're easy to apply and can be left in place for extended periods.

Silicone gel sheets

 Silicone gel sheets create a breathable barrier over the burn and help reduce the appearance of scars. They're comfortable to wear and can be cut to size for smaller burns.

Hydrogel dressings

Hydrogel dressings provide moisture to the burn while creating a protective barrier against bacteria. They're soothing and can help alleviate pain and discomfort.



If your burn doesn’t show signs of improvement within a few days of home treatment, you might need to get some medical attention. Please go to a pharmacist or your local GP if you notice the following:

  • The burn is large, deep, or covers a sensitive area of the body.
  • The burn shows signs of infection such as increased pain, redness, swelling, or pus.
  • You develop a fever or experience persistent pain and discomfort.


If you avoid a carpet burn, your carpet will reward you with a lovely, warm and soft flooring for years to come. Tapi has a wonderful collection of carpets and rugs – you’ll be spoilt for choice! If you’d like our help, then why not book a free home visit?

Our friendly floorologist will drive round in a mobile showroom packed full of samples for you to see in the comfort of your own home.  We’ll also give your floor a thorough health check, advise you about damp, and how to prepare for your fitting day, and arrange the perfect fit.
